I create a nested table, then populated this nested table. which code is following : DECLARE CURSOR CRSR_A IS SELECT * FROM EMP; TYPE EMP_NTAB_TY IS TABLE OF EMP%ROWTYPE; EMP_NTAB EMP_NTAB_TY := EMP_NTAB_TY (); I NUMBER := 0; BEGIN OPEN CRSR_A; LOOP I := I + 1; EMP_NTAB.EXTEND; FETCH CRSR_A INTO EMP_NTAB(I); EXIT WHEN CRSR_A%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(EMP_NTAB(I).EMPNO); END LOOP; CLOSE CRSR_A; END; I have some question on above table which are following : 1. now i want to get index value of a particular element of nested table like what is the index value of JONES who is in ENAME Column of EMP_NTAB Nested table. 2. I need to update the Job of JONES Only.